The annual Fall Baby Fair with new and used items for infants and children for sale will be held on Saturday, September 24, from 8:30 am to 11:00 am at the Troy Howard Middle School, 173 Lincolnville Ave., Belfast.
This is a great opportunity to clean out your closets and sell baby and children’s items no longer needed in your home. Items can include clothes, up to size 12, toys, books, furniture, etc. No recalled furniture, or car seats that have an expired use date, can be sold.
Crafts people who make baby items may also want to join the fair.
Tables for exhibitors are available to rent at $25 each. The fee is non-refundable and must be paid prior to the fair to guarantee a spot. Proceeds from table rental fees benefit the Belfast Public Health Nursing Association, but all other profit is yours to keep.
Set-up will be from 7:00 am until the fair starts, and clean-up will be immediately following the event. There is an admission fee of $1 for adults.
To book a table or for more information, call Lois Dutch of Waldo County General Hospital’s Education Department at 930-6713.