Do you or someone you care about have trouble controlling blood sugar levels? It is estimated that 40 percent of those diagnosed with diabetes do not achieve the blood sugar control target of an A1C less than 7 percent recommended by the American Diabetes Association.
On Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 5 p.m., Kirk Kenyon, will put on a free educational program in the Education Center at Waldo County General Hospital. He will be talking from his personal experience of living with diabetes and will share diabetes self-management and lifestyle strategies that have worked for him.
Controlling your blood sugar may help reduce your risk of diabetes-related complications.
Among the topics Kenyon will cover are:
- achieving good glucose control;
- learning about effective self-management;
- developing a balanced, healthy lifestyle;
- planning and prioritizing diabetes management;
- overcoming fears surrounding diabetes; and
- finding resources for diabetes support.
Kenyon is a member of the A1C Champions© Program, which is a patient-led approach to diabetes education. The goal is to make sure people with diabetes know they are not alone and there are people like Kenyon who can help them along their journey with diabetes.
This is a free presentation, including a buffet dinner, but space is limited so pre-register by calling Barbara Crowley at 930-2650 or email: