If you suffered a stroke or heart attack or were in a serious accident that left you unable to communicate with medical personnel, would your family know what your wishes are about end-of-life care? Would you want to be resuscitated? Put on a respirator? Have a feeding tube inserted?
Or what if the medical personnel couldn’t reach a family member? Would they or your primary care provider know what you want?
There is a way to ensure that your wishes are followed even if you can’t communicate them. On Wednesday, March 25, from 10 am to 2 pm, there will be an Advance Care Planning Open House at the Lincolnville Health Center on Route 1.
At the open house, you will be able to ask questions and get the assistance you need to make your healthcare wishes known. There will be free on-site assistance to fill out your advance directives, which will allow your family to know and honor your wishes, if you are unable to communicate.
There will also be light refreshments.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Holly Emerson, 338-2500, ext. 4181, and email: hemerson@wcgh.org.